Monday, October 31, 2011


Since this is my first post (and my first ‘serious’ blog) I thought I should probably tell you about how I got here:

The idea of writing a blog has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time now. Only I never really knew what I wanted to write about.
My own experiences of course. But seriously! The possibilities are practically endless.

First I thought I might continue with the travel blog I started while being in New Zealand a few years back. The only problem is that I don’t travel that much. Think about it: a big trip once or twice a year is hardly enough to keep a blog going, right? My weekend trips to visit my family or a one day trip to indulge my (thank god) fairly average sized inner princess’s graving for shopping, is hardly enough to entertain anyone.
No, not even myself. 

So here I was, thinking why not create a blog on crafts. Now, I know that there are already who-knows-how-many out there and since I just love getting idea’s for my own projects from just those blogs I thought I could do the same. Problem here: I tend to start a dozen projects but lack the time to finish them up. And then there is also the tiny fact that I don’t have enough time to do enough sewing, knitting and restoring to keep people entertained that way either. No matter how much I love crafting the cutest little toys and rattles for babies I don’t have but other people seem to produce nonstop that option had to be brusquely dismissed as well. 

As a result I was left researching and, of course, thinking, nearly breaking my usually pretty thick head on what I wanted my goddamn blog to be about. 

And then two days ago, I knew! The reason I finally got it was the combined appearance of the following points:  

1.       I got a Blogging for Dummies book in desperate hopes of finding some crucial information I was missing so far
2.       in said book I found a link to this blog:
3.       my friend, let’s call her Anna, suggested that some of the decisions I made actually might have had a deep impact on a person who is very dear to me and just happens to be going through a really tough time (this actually occurred before the two above mentioned points but who cares about details...)

The last point, which took place Friday on our way home from a night playing Sing Star (I miserably lost against my competition in almost every song I sang), is what really got to me. So I thought: If my experiences and decisions (no, I am not talking about the Sing Star part here) can have such a huge impact on the people around me why not share those experiences with others as well!?
Since I love writing and change my mind so often that I have a lot to tell, this should really work out well.

Then, of course, there was this big decision to name my blog: nothing but trouble struck me as a good choice so I simply decided to run with it. After all I want this blog to be about my everyday life with all its annoying, sometimes heartwarming and more often than not amusing ups and downs. Nothing but trouble seems to be the right choice here.
Of course I constantly change my opinion about stuff like this. Maybe tomorrow I want to call it: Life is a … (bad b word) or peanut butter marmalade cookie or something. However, by then it will be too late and I will be stuck with this. Yes well, I guess sometimes life just isn’t fair.

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