Sunday, July 15, 2012

To Know or Not to Know

The information you come across while more or less randomly surfing the internet can be so gruesome. Sometimes I just can't believe what I find. Some people should try reading a book once in a while instead of posting stuff they obviously have no clue about. I just googled albino fox pictures because I have never actually seen an albino fox and I wanted to know what they looked like. I tried it first with the German term and what I got was sad, sad, sad. Maybe there are not many albino foxes in this world but please people, everyone who had biology in school should know that not every white animal is albino. And a white horse, albino or not, is no fox. Since I was so disappointed in this search I thought maybe I would have better luck with the English term but no. What I came up with were many pictures of arctic foxes. While white and furry and cute, again: arctic foxes are not albinos. Nuhu! And everyone who believes they are should try googleing albinism or open a biology textbook on genetics. 
Now I still haven't seen an albino fox and have to go to bed wondering what it might look like. Just shows that even if you know what you are looking for, it does not mean you will find it. 

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