Thursday, October 11, 2012


Just now there was this guy at the supermarket and his shirt said: forplay.
Now what is that supposed to tell a girl? Did they mean for play?
They should really just say what they mean, because what I read first wasn't for play it was foreplay. So I was standing there in the queue in the supermarket, buying my innocent little smoothy and there is this boy with a shirt that says forplay. Really, I couldn't keep the giant grin spreading across my face. Was that guy truly advertising foreplay. I desperately wanted to confront him about it, but for once I managed to keep my mouth shut. Well, except for the grinning. But then, who wants to have that kind of conversation with a fifteen year old? Had he been a few years older and a tat more handsome, I would have had a lot of fun asking him if he was advertising himself. Not with a teenage boy though. I wold have felt creepy, no matter how much fun it would have been to see his face. So I just stood there smiling and shaking my head with people looking at me funny, as they often do when I smile to myself.
 How anyone would ever print something like that on a t-shirt is beyond me. Not that the thought of someone calling their company foreplay isn't totally delighting. Maybe I should print one for myself! If only I wasn't afraid it would send out the wrong message. I am just not that easy.

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