Monday, November 7, 2011

the monday sugar low

On the way back home yesterday, the guys from my car pool ate all my cookies! And I worked so hard to bake them. They were cinnamon-waffle cookies and my favorite kind right now. I will admit that this does not amount to much since my taste buds change their mind as often as my brain and stomach do. Still, the result is that I want those cookies and that there is none I can stuff into my greedy mouth and moan about.

All right, they did not eat all the cookies. Manly because my mom kept about ¾ of them at her place. Seriously! I should have taken them all. She even looked at me funny when I filled up a box for myself.

I baked those damned cookies! They were supposed to be mine! Mine! Mine!

Hey, it’s not like I don’t share. She can keep the freaking cookies but I am allowed to take some for myself, right? Especially since I won’t get any more for at least three weeks.

Maybe she made the dough and ought to have her share. But she can make new ones any time! And I was the one who baked them, one at the time for 1 and a half hours!

That’s my need for sugar speaking right now.

Okay, so it is my own fault that the guys ate up all of my (though fairly small) share of those yummy cinnamon cookies. After all I offered.

Yesterday it didn’t seem like such a big deal.

Right now however, I really, really want one! Need one!

All I have left now are those yucky pretzel M&Ms my sister bought for me. To tell the truth they don’t taste sooo bad. Somehow, though I can only eat one or two at a time before they make me feel sick.

Everyone keeps telling me that I should be glad because this way I won’t eat so many sweets. Ask yourself one question however: Is it worth feeling nauseated for hours afterwards?

My answer is: NO. Which is why I stopped eating them. Please know that this was really hard for me. I hate to see good food go to waste. Especially if it was given to me by someone else. Especially if that someone was my sister, who will surely be disappointed that I won’t (can’t)eat those M&Ms.

However, they handed out samplers of Pretzel-Chocolate at the grocery store this weekend. They had various other choices as well but I neither like marzipan nor rum (or whatever other alcohol they stuffed into those chocolates). So the only choice left was the one with Pretzel and it didn’t taste all that bad. All in all it tasted way better than the M&Ms. Still it wasn’t good. Conclusion: salt and chocolate just don’t work for me.

Long story short: I am still left without chocolate or cookies and I have to study organic chemistry. No one who has not been forced to go though the horror will ever truly understand what it is like to do organic chemistry without comfort food! Makes you want to strangle something! Someone. Your chemistry professor.

The thought of people handing out samplers at the supermarket though is nearly enough to make me stop reading about Lewis-structures and run over to get whatever samples they are handing out and while I am already there, buy some yummy chocolate. Nut and raisin for example. I am really in the mood for nut and raisin!

But for now I will try to restrain this demonic graving for sweets, even if it means to stop studying (sometimes you just have to sacrifice) and instead use the little free time I gained to plan my next holiday!

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