Sunday, November 20, 2011

the ultimate sport thing

Sorry for staying away for so long. I’ve been on holiday and plainly too busy to blog last week. Walking your way through an entire city will do that to you. Actually I am surprised that I managed to walk so much without getting foot-sick. Until now my feet started hurting pretty much after the first day of a trip like this. This time I managed four days! FOUR! Gosh, I’m proud of myself. Though I am not entirely sure whether it is my increased load of workouts or just thanks to the shoes I’ve been wearing. In this spot: thank you ESPRIT which produces the only shoes that fit my crippled feet without question! You have saved me a lot of time that I would otherwise have spend searching for a fitting pair of sneakers each time I find myself in need of a new pair!

Maybe it was a combination of both shoes and workout, because recently I am doing a LOT of sport. Sometimes I do not even recognize myself anymore (that’s usually when I skip workout). But gym, snorkeling and frisbee?

Am I turning into Miss athletic or what?

Right after snorkeling last week I joined my friend’s ultimate frisbee training. She had to more or less force me. After all it’s not like I would go if it wasn’t on the way home from the pool. To be fair here, I have to grudgingly admit that it turned out to be a lot of fun. Except for the part where they started to play an actual game.

Before, while training how to throw a frisbee, my surprised friend said something like: “OMG, your eye-hand coordination seriously sucks!”

My muttered answer: “No, it’s my hand-eye-foot-coordination.” (I just tend to close my hands a nanosecond too late to make a catch, damn it!)

Usually I am not bothered by it. That’s just who and what I am. From what I hear my whole family suffers similar problems (maybe I could just blame genetics?), which is why none of us ever seriously plays team sports.

Now, I am the unwilling exception. The surprising thing is that I truly enjoyed myself. For the first hour or so. Right until they practically forced me to play in a game. Though it was a short game (just for two points) it was a nightmare. I knew it would be even before I stepped onto the field, because I played once before and back than I had no clue what to do. It’s the hand-eye-foot coordination thing I just told you about. This time wasn’t any better. Most of the time I just stood on the field, not sure which way to run or which way to look. I felt like I was standing in the woods and all I wanted to do was bang my head against a tree I couldn’t find.

On top of that I got the feeling that my friend was a bit stressed out by me. Maybe more than a just a bit. Majorly may be more accurate. And I can’t even be mad at her because I kind of, sort of understand the sentiment. It’s not like I don’t know that I tend to get bit annoying while doing team sports. I just can’t help it. Which is exactly why I have never even tried team sport before. It’s just not for me.

I like the training just fine but actually playing doesn’t work at all. I even get a bit whiny because I hate the feeling of not knowing what I am doing. Even without that I am already making enough of a fool of myself to last a lifetime! This team sport thing however gets me to a new personal high. It just makes me feel totally incapable and inadequate. And here I was, thinking snorkeling was hard on me. Who would purposely want to make themselves feel that way?

Yes, I am very aware that I pretty much just did exactly that. That doesn’t mean I enjoyed it. Or at least I didn’t use to. Which, as I already mentioned, is the reason I usually don’t do team sports.

Because I really enjoy the oportunity of being allowed to throw stuff around for a changed (and because it was kind of fun) I’ll try a few more times. Just to make sure I don’t get any better, not that I have much hope that will happen anytime soon. If there is no improvement I will just sit by in the future, read a nice book and do what people are always best at: Tell everyone else what they could do better!

Before I go that far however I need to weight the disadvantages against the advantages. Maybe embarrassing myself on a regular basis is worth enduring the emotional beating? Maybe I will lose weight!

For someone who claims not to care about her weight I am certainly thrilled by that prospect… Not that there is much hope that I lost any over my vacation.

My new addiction to frozen yoghurt has made sure I have enough calories to burn for the next two or three weeks or so. Not to mention the upcoming christmas cookie season… I am such a sucker for cookies!

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